KetchApp International Apps

3D BLEUS Collector 1.6
Les BLEUS EN RÉALITÉ AUGMENTÉE 3DUne application créée en exclusivité pour les magasins Carrefour etCarrefour MarketDéfie chaque joueur de l’équipe de France avec 3D BleusCollector.Pointe ton Smartphone ou ta Tablette sur l’autocollant ou sur lacarte de jeu et découvre les jeux en réalité augmentée 3D présentsdans l’Application.Collectionne les 24 cartes disponibles dans les magasins Carrefouret joue avec les joueurs de l’équipe de France!3 gardiens : LLORIS, MANDANDA, RUFFIER 
1 entraineur : Didier Deschamps.Munis toi de l’autocollant pour visionner les films desmeilleures actions de chaque joueur. Défie chaque joueur avecla carte de jeu qui se transforme en terrain de football. Met enjeu ton habileté et ta force. Selon le footballeur de la carte 3DBleus, tu pourras jouer à l’un des 4 jeux disponibles surl'Application 3D Bleus Collector.CARTE DES ATTAQUANTS : ARRÊTER LES PENALTIES
Défends ton équipe contre les tirs explosifs de Benzema et lescoups géniaux de Ribery avec une simple touche au bon moment ! Maissois attentif à l'objectif infaillible de Valbuena et Rèmy etsurtout, ne sous-estime pas la ruse de Payet, Griezmann etGiroud.CARTE DES MILIEUX DE TERRAIN : TOUCHE LES BALLONS AU BONMOMENT
Ne perd pas de vue les ballons qui arrivent de plus en plus vitedans les allées. Et si tu vois des boules de feu, ne les touche paset reste concentré: la victoire est proche!CARTE DU GARDIEN : TIRS AU BUT 
Rêves-tu de mettre un but au gardien de l’équipe de France deFootball ? Guide le ballon dans le filet avec ton doigt. Tavitesse et ta précision feront la différence contre Loris et sescoéquipiers.CARTE DES DEFENSEURS : COUPE LES BALLONS 
Teste tes réflexes contre la pluie de ballons, de bombes et deballes d’énergie lancés par les attaquants de l’équipeadverse ! Coupe les ballons avant que l'écran ne se brise sousles coups de ton adversaire!
Le collecteur recueille toutes les cartes virtuelles de tacollection. Chaque carte s’enregistre dans ta collection virtuelledès la première fois que tu la pointes avec ton Smartphone ou taTablette pour jouer. Tu auras accès à de nombreuses informationssur chaque joueur.L’AVENTURE DE « 3D BLEUS COLLECTOR » SUR FACEBOOK
Partage ton score sur Facebook et communique tes exploits à toustes amis!24 AUTOCOLLANTS : 24 VIDEOS DES JOUEURS 
Pointe ton Smartphone ou ta Tablette sur les autocollants quirecouvrent chaque carte et découvre un film sur chaque joueur del’Equipe de France de Football. Collecte tous les autocollantsdistribués dans les magasins Carrefour et Carrefour Market pourdécouvrir les vidéos des joueurs de l’équipe de France deFootball!ECOUTE LES INTERVIEWS EXCLUSIVES DE DIDIER DESCHAMPS
La carte de Didier DESCHAMPS est unique ! 
Tu découvriras uneinterview exclusive de Didier Deschamps pour suivre l’aventure deton équipe durant la Coupe du Monde de Football 2014.
Il te suffit télécharger l’Application « 3D BLEUSCollector » et de pointer la carte de Didier Deschamps avecton Smartphone ou ta Tablette pour découvrir les dernièresnouvelles de la Coupe du Monde de Football 2014.BLUE INAUGMENTED REALITY 3DAn application created exclusively for Carrefour and CarrefourMarket storesChallenges each player on the team France with 3D BlueCollector.Point your smartphone or your tablet on the sticker or card gameand discover the games actually increased in the present 3DApplication.Collect all 24 cards available in Carrefour stores and plays withthe players of the team of France!3 guards: LLORIS, MANDANDA, RUFFIER7 defensemen: Varane, Sakho, Sagna, Mangala, KOSCIENLY, Evra,WORTHY, DEBUCHY.5 field centers: Sissoko, Pogba, Matuidi, LOFT, Cabaye7 attackers: VALBUENA, RIBERY Remy, PAYET, Griezmann, Giroud,Benzema1 coach Didier Deschamps.Provided you sticker for viewing movies the best actions of eachplayer. Challenges every player with the card game turns into afootball field. Involves your ability and your strength. Accordingto the footballer 3D map Bleus, you can play one of four games onthe 3D Blues Collector Application.MAP OF FORWARDS: STOP THE PENALTIESDefend your team against explosive fire Benzema and Ribery greatshots with a button at the right time! But be attentive to theinfallible purpose of Valbuena and Rèmy and above all, do notunderestimate the cunning Payet Griezmann and Giroud.MAP MEDIA FIELD: KEY BALLOONS AT THE RIGHT TIMEDo not lose sight of the balloons that arrive more quickly in theaisles. And if you see balls of fire, do not touch and stayfocused: victory is near!MAP OF GUARD: SHOTS ON GOALDo you dream to a goal goalkeeper of France Football? Guide theball into the net with your finger. Your speed and your accuracywill make the difference against Loris and his teammates.MAP OF DEFENDERS: CUTTING BALLOONSTest your reflexes against the rain of balloons, bombs and energyballs thrown by the attackers of the opposing team! Cup ballsbefore the screen will not break under the blows of youropponent!COLLECTOR OF BLUE CARDS 3DThe collector collects all virtual cards in your collection. Eachcard is saved in your virtual collection from the first time youpoint with your smartphone or your tablet to play. You get accessto lots of information on each player.ADVENTURE "3D BLUE COLLECTOR" ON FACEBOOKShare your score on Facebook and communicate your achievements toall your friends!24 STICKERS: 24 VIDEOS OF PLAYERSPoint your smartphone or your tablet on the stickers that covereach card and discovers a film on each player of the team of FranceFootball. Collect all the stickers distributed in Carrefour andCarrefour Market stores to find videos of players Team FranceFootball!EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEWS LISTENING Didier Deschamps
 card Didier Deschamps is unique! You will discover an exclusiveinterview with Didier Deschamps to follow the adventure of yourteam during the World Cup Football 2014.You just download the application "3D BLUE Collector" and point themap Didier Deschamps with your smartphone or your tablet todiscover the latest news from the World Cup Football 2014.
War of Chess 1.0.7
Challenge the best chess players across the world at War of Chess,an all-new free chess gameavailable on the App Store with thrilling 3D graphic effects andsets of animated pieces in 3D fantasy style facing as army on aboard into flames! Play with friends or against a unique chessengine and show who’s the master of the game!● 2 board styles: Classic 2D or Fantasy 3D!● Play as both white or black.● Play against a sophisticated AI in single player mode.● Invite friends by Facebook or nickname and beat them inmultiplayer mode.● Choose your army among sets of animated pieces in 3D fantasystyles: Orcs, Zombies, Humans and much more coming on the nextupdates!● Push replay button to watch final moves resulting intocheckmate!● Enjoy amazing music and sound effects.● Try yourself with 6 level of difficulty.● Check statistics to enhance your tactical skills.● Play on Multiple Devices! Signing up to War of Chess lets youplay the game on multiple devices without losing your save data andin-app purchases. Cool, isn't it?Stay TunedFollow #WarOfChess to share your experience as a chess fighter!Official website: www.ketchapp.mobiFacebook: @KetchAppMobi#WarOfChess
Wack'Attack 1.1.3
Aiuta Wacko’s a mettere a segno gli scherzicon Wack'Attack, la nuova applicazione ufficiale di Wacko’s per fardivertire i bambini! Scarica Wack'Attack da Play Store, inquadrauna delle 40 card di gioco contenute nei pacchetti di patatineWacko’s e attiva un mini-gioco con Wacko’s protagonista! Collezionale card per avere tutti i mini-giochi e sfidare i tuoi amici a unabattaglia di scherzi!Per giocare a Wack'Attack è necessaria una connessione wifi e lecard distribuite nei pacchetti di patatine Wacko's.WACK ATTACK IN NUMERI● 40 card di gioco: 10 tipi di card distinte in forza 2-3-4 e5● 10 mini-giochi: 1 mini-gioco per card● 10 scenette animate (1 scenetta per ogni tipo di card)INQUADRA LA CARD E WACKO’S PRENDE VITAQuando inquadri con il tuo smartphone o tablet, Wacko’s prende vitasulla card in 3 dimensioni! Guarda la scenetta animata delloscherzo e poi comincia a giocare!GIOCA CON WACKO’SLancia una pioggia di mega gavettoni, scarica una raffica dipatatine, prepara un pacco a sorpresa o riempi la scuola di colla epiume! Gli scherzi di Wacko’s sono 10 appassionanti mini-giochi,uno per tipo di card. Provali tutti e condividi i tuoi record congli amici!WACK'ATTACCA I TUOI AMICICon l’app Wack'Attack puoi sfidare i tuoi amici a una battaglia discherzi! Inquadra per registrare la forza di attacco e di difesaindicata sul fronte della card, scegli l’arma e la potenza del tuoattacco e poi lancia il tuo Wack'Attack! Sei a corto di amici?Sfida un avversario casuale!COLLEZIONA LA FORZA WACK'ATTACKLa forza di attacco e di difesa si ricarica ogni 24 ore: bastainquadrare le card per registrare la ricarica! Puoi accumulare finoa un massimo di forza 15 per ciascuna arma. Per accumulare nuovaforza, controlla le card mancanti nel collector virtuale internoall’applicazione Wack'Attack e cercale nei pacchetti di Wacko’s percompletare la collezione.CONDIVIDI WACK’ATTACKConnettendoti con Facebook potrai condividere l’esperienza diWack'Attack con i tuoi amici e vantarti con loro dei tuoi record aimini-giochi! Segui per restare aggiornato con lenovità di Wack'Attack!Wacko's help to pull offjokes with Wack'Attack, the new official application of Wacko's toentertain the kids! Download Wack'Attack to Play Store, deliversone of the 40 card game contained in the packets of crisps Wacko'sand activates a mini-game with Wacko's protagonist! Collect thecard to have all the mini-games and challenge your friends to abattle of jokes!To play Wack'Attack you need a wifi card and distributed inpackets of crisps Wacko's.WACK ATTACK IN NUMBERS● 40 card game 10 different types of cards in force 2-3-4 and5● 10 mini-games: 1 mini-game card● 10 animated scenes (scene 1 for each type of card)TARGET A CARD AND THE WACKO'S TO LIFEWhen -Bracket with your smartphone or tablet, Wacko's life takes onthe card in 3 dimensions! Watch the animated scene of the joke andthen start playing!PLAYING WITH WACKO'SThrow a mega rain water balloon, download a flurry of chips,prepares a surprise package or fill school glue and feathers! Thejokes of Wacko's are 10 exciting mini-games, one for each type ofcard. Try them all and share your records with your friends!WACK'ATTACCA YOUR FRIENDSWith the app Wack'Attack you can challenge your friends to a battleof jokes! Frames to record the attack strength and defenseindicated on the front of the card, choose the weapon and the powerof your attack and then launches your Wack'Attack! Are you runningout of friends? Challenge a random opponent!COLLECT THE STRENGTH WACK'ATTACKThe attack strength and defense is recharged every 24 hours: justpoint the card to record the charge! You can accumulate up to amaximum strength of 15 for each weapon. To accumulate new strength,check the card missing from the collector internal virtualapplication Wack'Attack and look for it in the packages of Wacko'sto complete the collection.SHARE WACK'ATTACKLogging in with Facebook you can share the experience ofWack'Attack with your friends and brag to their record of yourmini-games! Follow to stay updated with the latestnews from Wack'Attack!
Chilly Rush 1.3
Chilly Rush is a breath-taking run throughthebest places in America. Rosita, Pedro and Chiquito need yourhelpto fetch all the savings of their little Mexican villageunfairlytaken from the evil and powerful McGreed.Jump in a rush into this adventure running after thetrain,trying to fetch all the gold coins that you can and don't letgothe banknotes: the more you take, the more you will be able togetgreat western' style power-ups.A NEW AND ORIGINAL GAME• 100 fantastic western style levels• More than 20 different American environments• Incredibles power-ups• Many achievements• Fetch as many gold coins as you can during your run• Fetch banknotes: the more you take, the more you will be abletoget power-ups.• Challenge yourself with various bonus:→ Try to get to the end of the run without falling→ Complete all the achievements• Share your fun with your friends and check their results!Fight and win against McGreed in this amazing adventure, comebackin your little El Pepito village and bring back hope and peacetoits inhabitants.Chilly Rush is much more than this: a cool graphicinterface,great attention for details, incredible power-ups andcontinuousupdates.Chilly Rush let you feel part of the adventure from thefirstlevel: make the characters jump up to fetch the coins, openyourMexican hat to fall gently on the cart; but be aware, you havetoavoid bombs and other objects that Chiquito, hanging fromthetrain, is throwing to you while you try to reach the nexttrainstation.Download Chilly Rush for free and start your adventure inthisbreath-taking rush in the America of the old West!Be the first to know! Get inside KetchApp info on greatdeals,plus the latest game updates, tips & more…VISIT US: games.ketchapp.mobiFOLLOW US: US: US:
Space Battleship 2048K 1.0.8
Jump aboard Space Battleship 2048K foranexciting turn-based game in space. Play with friends orrandomopponents, deploy your air fleet and launch just one attackor manyat once. Refine strategy to improve your rank or usespecialweapons to become a hero-legend in this classic navalwarfare gamevariant.Place your ships and attack!Tap and drag to place your air fleet on a 10x10 space grid. Waitforopponent to join the battle and then hit by tapping on theenemygrid until the last ship is burst into pieces!Invite friends for a thrilling space warfareConnect with Facebook to invite friends for a battle in outerspaceor find them by their nickname. Short of friends? Challengerandomopponents to keep on playing with real people! SpaceBattleship2048K is turn-based multiplayer only!Amazing Graphic EffectsDramatic explosions are a must in this galaxy battleship.You’llnever get enough of them!Special weapons to defeat your enemiesUse radar to target your opponent’s ships or hit your enemieswithan explosive meteor shower. Special weapons are always atyourfinger. Improve your rank and get them all!Become a hero-legend in spaceThe more battles you win, the more point experience yougain.That’sthe recipe to improve your rank and win this spacevariant of aclassic board game!Play on Multiple DevicesYou know what? Signing up to Space Battleship 2048K lets youplaythe game on multiple devices without loosing your save dataandin-app purchases. Cool, isn't it?Stay TunedFollow #sbs2048k to share your experience as a fighter inouterspace!Official website: www.ketchapp.mobiFacebook: @KetchAppMobi#sbs2048kAll trademarks used are properties of theirrespectiveowners.BATTLESHIP® and BATTLESHIPS are registered trademarks ofHasbro,Inc.Space Battleship 2048K is not made, sponsored, or licensedbyHasbro, Inc. and KetchApp Int. is not affiliated withHasbro,Inc.
Faccinep Race of Clones 1.4
Welcome to the most smashing race ofclonesever on Faccinep!Challenge a gang of cheeky clones to a full speed race armed tothehilt straight to first place! Rush along thrilling tracks,dodgingbullets, launching blasting bombs and deadly rockets. Earncoins toenhance your clone power with a bunch of weapons andwheels! Playmultiplayer against up to 4 rivals or restart career toget thetoughest clones on amazing cars and spaceships.Start your engines, pull the trigger and let theClonexplosionbegin!RACE WITH CLONES ON UNIQUE CARS, BIKES AND SHUTTLESPuppet, Cymurai, Beachy and the other clones are bad guysridingroaring wheels with unique handling! Try them on tracks,enhanceyour favorite and don’t miss brand-new packs of clonescoming onevery updates!SUPER CHALLENGING 3D TRACKSRace by day and night, through dark outer space, hay fields orsunnybeaches. Pick up in-game coins for top winnings whiledrifting alongwinding roads or running at high speed in straightlines!CLONEXSPLOSION… BOOM!Shoot competitors until you reach the final line, always watchyourback from clones’ deadly shots and enjoy the Clonexplosion!KEEP PLAYING & GO FASTERWin races to earn stars and unlock all tracks in your career!Useprize money to enhance your Vehi-clone. Keep playing to getbetterand go back to career as a winner!MULTIPLAYER MANIA!Race against up to 4 rivals via wifi. Multiplayerholics,theunlimited mode package lets you play whenever you like… Whatmoredo you want?WHEELS & BULLETS FOR CLONE EXTRA POWERA full armory of deadly weapons including top-damaging missilesandheat bullets to give you devastating strength. For top-speedandgrip control, go back to the garage and check out the wide rangeofwheels and rocket engines.RACE LONGER, GET STRONGERTons of achievements from those bad guys of clones for a deadfuncareer! Race longer to discover them all and be careful not todielaughing!SHARE YOUR CLONEXPERIENCE FOR BIG REWARDS!Watch you and your friends in video replays to relive thegreatestraces and share scores for cans of Faccinep coins!REFUEL WITH COIN PACKSShort of money? Refuel with coin packs from the store. With canofcoins and lots of other packages, there’s enough to goaround!FEEL THE CLONES’ MUSICDance to the rhythm of FaccinepROC OST songs on the jukeboxplacedin the elevator. It’s just pure fun!MORE FEATURES TO COMEDon’t miss new clones, tracks, power-ups and language packscomingon every updates!STAY TUNEDFollow #FaccinepROC to share the Clonexperience with us!Official @KetchAppMobi#FaccinepROC
Poker of Clones Faccinep 1.0.1
It’s just win or die on Poker ofClonesFaccinep, the most thrilling poker game on Play Store. Beatsomecanny clones at a Texas Hold’em poker tournament in space togainthe only seat left on the spaceship leaving before theplanetexplosion. Beginner or pro, play poker at your best andsurvive!From the creators of Faccinep Race of Clones, the secondepisodeof Faccinep Saga is not just a simple card game. It’s anaddictivepoker adventure!Classic Texas Hold’em 8-players TournamentsTake a seat and face the most terrific checks, calls, raises,foldsand all-ins ever in a free-to-play poker game. Use all yourskillsto come as a winner at a Texas Hold’em poker hand!Play Poker & SurviveCareful not to loose a tournament or you’re gonna explode atthetable, losing lives. Wait for them to recharge or get life packstoplay more tournaments a day!Amazing 3D settingFeel the magic of an Egyptian 3D poker room with crackle torchesoneach side, massive statues of antique gods around the table andamodern automatic machine as a dealer.Get coins for chips & clonesShort of chips & clones? Choose the most suitable coinpackuntil you get enough!Challenge Your FriendsShare the game with your friends by Facebook and invite them totryand beat you!Play on Multiple DevicesYou know what? Signing up to Poker of Clones Faccinep lets youplaypoker on multiple devices without losing your save data andin-apppurchases. Cool, isn't it?Stay Tuned with Faccinep SagaFollow #FaccinepPOC to enjoy the poker clonexperience!Official website: @KetchAppMobi#FaccinepPOC
Rainbow Tiles 2048 1.0.2
What a blaze of colors in this all-new2048puzzle game with 3D matrix and tiles!Join the tiles and see the magic of getting to a 3Dwhitetile!It’s easy to play, fun to master!Numbers and ColorsTired of math? Rainbow Tiles 2048 brings the classic game of 2048ina new dimension, replacing numbers with a feast of colors. Findtheright matchings until you get to the white tile!Play on Multiple DevicesYou know what? Signing up to Rainbow Tiles 2048 lets you playonmultiple devices without losing your save data andin-apppurchases. Cool, isn't it?Official website: www.ketchapp.mobiFacebook: @KetchAppMobi#RainbowTiles2048